Yes, there is a right way to write a fitness class description.

When you’re using an online scheduling software to run your fitness studio’s calendar, a class description is the first experience a new client has with your business.

Picking the right workout class already feels intimidating, especially if they’re just starting out on their fitness journey or if they’ve never done your type of workout before. 

A good fitness class description makes a client feel seen and heard long before they book your class or workshop.

It answers their burning questions.

It excites them.

It tells them where to park. (Aside: Please tell them where to park!)

That’s why we’re going over a few best practices for writing good class descriptions that work for barre, pilates, and yoga studios.

(They’re also great for other fitness classes, too!)


How to Write a Good Fitness Class Description for Yoga and Barre Studios

Give a Clear Overview of the Class Vibe

Right off the bat, use the class description to let them know exactly what to expect if they sign up.

The first couple of sentences of any fitness class description should break down the personality of your studio and classes.

Are you a classic Pilates studio? Do you get a little funky with upbeat hip hop or punk music? (If so, check out our go-to fitness playlists.)

Talk about the format of classes and what the actual room is like.

If you offer a 60-minute class but really it’s 45 minutes of cardio plus a final 15-minute stretch and cooldown, say that in your class description.

Don’t forget to mention if they should bring anything with them — like grip socks or a yoga mat.

And please (please, please!) warn them if your yoga studio is heated. 

If you need some ideas for a fitness class description that captures a vibe, take a look at Your Yoga.

This yoga studio does a great job of keeping their class descriptions concise and clear but still full of personality.  

Tell Them Who (and What) the Class Is Good For 

Are some of your classes better for beginners than others?

Do you organize your class calendar to tone different areas on different days of the week? 

These are the details clients long for. So, add a clear “This Class is Good For:” section to your class description. 

Tell them which workout classes are good for arms and abs, or flexibility, or body repair/maintenance.

This gives them a clear picture of what they’re in for, and it gives them a sense of control over their decision to book a class with you.

Empowered clients are the best clients.

Don’t forget to cover experience level, too. If you have classes that are good for total newbies, call those out!

Likewise, if you have intermediate classes listed on your calendar, explain how much experience you recommend before booking.

You can even detail which classes a client should take with you first. 

This insight builds trust — they’ll get a sense that you’re a thorough and deliberate fitness instructor (which, of course, you are).

Introduce Your Class Instructors

If you’re using Schedulicity for your fitness classes, instructor names are automatically included with each list.


If you’re not with our scheduling app yet, it’ll be harder, and you should sign up for Schedulicity today to make it easier. 😉

Stay on top of keeping your instructor bios and photos updated.

Many people book a class based on instructor personality alone. In-depth bios help clients get a feel for both the teacher and your fitness studio.

Don’t feel limited to a “Born in ____, she specializes in ____, _____, and _____.” format. Get super creative with bios to build excitement.

Here’s a great class description example from LA-based yoga studio One Down Dog. IT includes an “ODD” fact (get it?) and favorite song(s) for each teacher: 

Pretty charming, right?

Give First-Time Class Attendees Clear Instructions

This is crucial because your health and wellness business needs to turn first-timers into studio diehards. Make it easy for them.

Include the following information for first-timers, either in the class description or on your business profile.

Make it as straightforward as possible, which make new clients more comfortable and saves you a lot of questions and time.

Here’s the golden list: 

  • How early to arrive
  • What to bring versus what you provide
  • Which classes are ideal for beginners (if applicable)
  • What benefits they’ll get out of your classes
  • That you’re excited to meet them

Tell Them When to Arrive, Where to Park, and How to Find You

It’s not fun for anyone if clients for your next class show up while you’re in the middle of a current class.

Use your class description to let clients know exactly how early they should get there. (If you’re a tight space, it might just be five minutes before!) 

It’s as simple as: When to arrive: 10 minutes before. (First-timers, please show up 15 minutes before.)

Now, parking.

Sometimes, this situation is totally straightforward, so feel free to skip it in your fitness class descriptions. But, especially in bigger cities, figuring out where to park is an issue.

Let clients know where the best parking is, if there are better streets to park on than others, and if it’s free or paid. If finding parking takes some time, warn them to arrive to class early. No one wants to stress about running late, because they don’t know where to leave their car.

One last note: If your studio is tucked in a big commercial complex or otherwise hard to find, give clients some tips on finding you in the building, too.  

Break Up the Fitness Class Description

Last but not least, clients are here to book classes, not to read a novel.

Don’t write your class description as one huge chunk of text.

Instead, break up your description into smaller paragraphs that are easy to read, scan, and understand. (Use this section as an example!)

Bonus: The Ideal Fitness Class Description Example

Here’s a quick recap of the above, broken down into a simple checklist for your fitness studio:

  • Class title
  • Date and time + when to arrive: [x minutes before]
  • Class instructor / teacher
  • Class description (no more than 3-4 sentences!)
  • Difficulty level: This class is good for: [insert info here]
  • What to bring: [insert info here about bringing mats, water, towels, etc.]
  • Getting here: [insert info here about when to arrive, where to park, etc.]
  • Information for first-time clients

Pro Tip: If you’re in the market for a scheduling software, Schedulicity has it all — with everything from class management to Waitlists and payment tools.