What is Schedulicity?

Humans making scheduling software for humans.

Schedulicity is a scheduling software for small businesses and their clients in the hair, beauty, and wellness industries. The world has changed since we started, but our mission has not — to help our community of start-ups become successful entrepreneurs.

Our Founder

Jerry Nettuno launched Schedulicity in 2010 with the sole purpose of providing the best scheduling and payment platform for small service-based businesses and their clients.

We started with businesses in the hair and beauty industry, but today, we help thousands of businesses in over 50 different industries, including fitness and wellness, massage therapy, and more.


We don’t have core values, because values mean
nothing without action. These are our core behaviors.

  1. Build honest relationships through healthy communication
  2. Live human to human
  3. Listen first, then go above and beyond
  4. Honor positivity with an open mind
  5. Practice self-care
  6. Deflate your ego
  7. Embrace change
  8. Be empowered
  9. Do the right thing
  10. Be part of the solution


  • Jerry Nettuno

    CEO & Founder

  • Tracy Schroeder

    Tracy Schroeder

    Chief Revenue Officer

  • Craig Dugas

    VP Engineering

  • Christina Lewis

    VP Engineering

  • Mikayla Fletcher

    Director of Customer Experience