Instagram business accounts can be a gamechanger for folks in the beauty industry — especially makeup artists. 

But to get the most out of Instagram for your makeup business, you need a strong bio that catches the attention of potential clients.

As a makeup artist, your Instagram bio is the perfect place to let clients know…

  • Who you are
  • What you offer
  • Where you’re located
  • And how they can book with you or ask questions

…which is crucial when it comes to hooking new clients.

To help you get the most out of your Instagram bio and book more clients, we’re walking you through how to write your own Instagram bio.

Plus, we’ll share a couple Instagram bio examples from some other successful makeup artists to give you a little inspo! 

In this blog:

What Every Makeup Artist Should Have in Their Instagram Bio

When it comes to crafting the perfect Instagram bio as a makeup artist, you have to include all the information that clients are looking for. 👇

Instagram Bios for Makeup Artists: The What, Where, and How

What: Your Specialties 

To start, you want to let clients know what you do.

Are you a makeup artist who specializes in bridal party services? Are you known for your skincare consultations?

Write down what you do in as few words as possible, and remember: Keep it simple. 

Where: How Close Are You? 

Clients also need to know how far away your business is and how to find you, so include a link for directions. 

Pro Tip: If you offer mobile services, let clients know you’re willing to come to them! 

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Social Media Marketing 101

Deep-dive into trends, tools, and hashtags that will take your brand – and small business – to the next level.

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How: How Do Clients Book With You?

To hook new clients, you need to give them a way to book with you. 

You can let clients know all about how special your business is, but if they don’t have an easy way to book with you right there, you may lose them.

So be sure to Include a link out to your booking page! 

Pro Tip: Make it simple and add a Book Now button to your Instagram business account, so clients can jump right to your booking page.

The Perfect Instagram Bio for Makeup Artists

To give you a visual of where and how to include the three points above, we put together a graphic mapping out how your Instagram bio should look as a makeup artist. 

Instagram bio example for makeup artists, with Instagram on a phone and arrows pointing to important information to include.

Makeup Artist Instagram Bio Examples

Gomit Chopra & Kacie Corbelle

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