Simple reminder emails — like that one ☝️ — are an excellent strategy against no-shows and late-cancellations.

Whether it’s for a massage appointment or a cut and color at your favorite salon, a friendly reminder email is a great tool to help clients remember their appointments.

But learning how to write your own friendly reminder emails — that actually work — isn’t that simple.

You don’t want to come across as too urgent in your messaging, but you also want to ensure clients arrive on time for their appointments.

To help you find the perfect balance for your client reminder emails, we put together a quick guide on how to write good appointment reminder emails.

Plus, we’ll even fill you in on the best timing for sending out reminder emails! 

In this blog:

4 Pro Tips for Writing a Good Reminder Email

Friendly reminder emails make for good reminder emails. 

Here are four ways you can improve your reminder emails to effectively remind clients of their upcoming appointments. 

1. Focus on your tone.

Finding that balance between urgent and friendly is key to a good reminder email. 

This means finding your tone.

When thinking about your tone, focus on being yourself and using language that matches your brand.

If your salon’s brand is fun and quirky, let the tone of your reminder email be fun and quirky. 

In other words, stay true to your “vibe”, and let that come through in the email — while also ensuring you’re giving clients the information they need for their upcoming appointment. (Which we’ll get to in the next tip!)

Extra Credit: Learn how to translate your passion into your own one-of-a-kind brand in our free guide: How to Build a Brand for Your Salon.

2. Get to the point quickly. 

The point of a good reminder email is to give clients the details they need for their upcoming appointment.

With how short our attention spans are these days, you want to give them that information quickly.

And since this isn’t their first interaction with your business, it’s okay for your reminder email to be brief and to the point, passing along the details they need to know.

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Getting the Word Out:

A Beginner’s Guide to Email Marketing and Automated Text Messages

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3. Encourage follow-up questions.

While the point of your reminder email should be shared quickly, it’s also a good idea to encourage follow-up questions or simply let your clients know you’re there for them.

This leaves the door open for communication should anything come up before the time of the appointment.

It also gives clients a chance to confirm any details they might be curious about before their upcoming appointment.

4. Include a Call-to-Action (CTA)

Lastly, you want to give clients a CTA — or a call-to-action. 

This could simply be a button that links them to their upcoming appointment. 

Or you could point them to your website to get more traffic there.

You could also give them a chance to follow you on social media by pointing them to your Instagram page or TikTok account.

Either way you go, the more chances you give them to engage with your business, the better. 🙂

Extra Credit: If you’re not familiar with the power of CTAs for growing your business, be sure to check out our free guide to CTAs and Book Now buttons.

Examples: Good Reminder Email Subject Lines

A good reminder email needs a good subject line. Here are ten subject line examples to help inspire your own!

  • Hey [enter name], don’t forget about your upcoming appointment.
  • Reminder, we’ll be seeing you soon!
  • Just a friendly reminder… 📅
  • Looking forward to seeing you soon!
  • The countdown is on!
  • Reminder, are you ready?
  • The time has come…
  • Don’t get lost on [enter date]
  • Are you ready for tomorrow?!
  • Hey, don’t forget about us. 😊

Free Reminder Email Templates

Reminder Email Example #1

Hi [Client’s Name],

Thanks for booking with [Business Name].

We’re looking forward to seeing you [appointment day, date, and time]. 

To ensure everything runs smoothly, don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

See you soon!

[Business name].

Reminder Email Example #2

Hi [Client Name],

Just a quick note to confirm our appointment on [Date] at [Time].

If that time no longer works, please be sure to cancel or reschedule 24 hours in advance. 

You can find a new appointment time by visiting my Schedulicity booking page: [Enter booking link]. 

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

[Your Name/Business Name]

When Should You Send a Reminder Email?

The last big question when it comes to good reminder emails: When is the best time to send them?

And the truth is… anytime within a week before the appointment is just fine.

The data doesn’t show whether two days before or seven days before is more effective, but we do know that sending it within a week of the appointment is best.

So you’ll have to experiment a little to find the timeframe that works best for your clients and your business.

Pro Tip: If you happen to be a Schedulicity business, you can schedule automatic email reminders and text reminders! 

For that, we recommend an email reminder two to three days before the appointment, then a final text reminder 24 hours in advance. 😉

Schedulicity is the go-to online booking software for service providers, like hair stylists, massage therapists, barbers, estheticians, personal trainers — the list goes on! 

With appointment scheduling, marketing tools, and payment processing, you have everything you need to run your business — all in one place!