In the age of social media, a great post can increase engagement and put your gym or fitness studio in front of a ton of new clients… which is great for growing your business.

The hard part is: How do you come up with a social media post for your gym that is sure to be a homerun with clients?!

To help you get creative with your social media posts, we reached out to real gym owners and fitness pros to learn their best ideas for social media posts.

Use their tips to get creative with your posts and, of course, have a little fun!

10 Gym and Fitness Social Media Post Ideas to Boost Engagement

Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness or just engage more with clients, these experts have some great social media post ideas for your gym or fitness studio!

The List:

1. Food Recommendations

Caroline Grainger is a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer at — an online community for clients to find the right personal trainer for them. 

Caroline let us know that food recommendations are a great way to engage with clients (and potential clients!) on social media

Ask yourself: What do you recommend clients eat on workout days? What would you recommend before and after the gym?

“Showing different food options, what you ate that day, and several options for people with allergies are also great things to post,” Caroline said.

2. Form & Technique Checks

“Almost any fitness professional can benefit from doing form checks on their social media platforms,” Erny Peibst told us.

Erny is the founder and CEO of Inside Bodybuilding — an online health clinic for bodybuilders. 

“Form checks can elevate your reputation on social media,” Erny said, “as they allow you to showcase what makes you essential in the fitness world…”

3. Free Programming

Free programming is another fun social media post idea from Erny at Inside Bodybuilding

“Providing your followers with free programming, either as a teaser offering, or as part of the benefit of following you, is a great way to expand your reach.” 

By sharing “short HIIT workouts, yoga flows, or routines that bodybuilders can use to get results,” Erny told us, “you’ll grow followers.” 

4. Client Success Stories

Josh Petrawski is the CEO of Sports & Fitness Exchange, and he let us know that sharing client success stories is an easy social media post idea for gyms and fitness pros.

Josh’s advice?

“Highlight the success stories of your clients to showcase the positive impact of your services,” he said.

“Share before-and-after photos, testimonials, or anecdotes that demonstrate the progress and achievements of individuals who have trained with you or utilized your gym. Personal success stories can inspire and motivate others, potentially attracting new clients.”

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5. Transformation Photos

Like a good success story, transformation photos can show potential clients results you’ve seen with other clients.

“There’s nothing quite as effective as an incredible before and after photo of a client’s transformation to attract potential clients looking to lose weight or start their fitness journey,” John Gardner said.

John is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and the CEO and Co-Founder of Kickoff — a remote personal training platform. 

In John’s words, “When they [clients] see someone who was in their shoes actually make it happen and see the results, it encourages them and motivates them to take the step, too.”

6. Behind-the-Scenes Content

Josh Petrawski of the Sports & Fitness Exchange also gave us the social media post idea for “behind-the-scenes” content. 

“Offer a glimpse behind the scenes of your gym or training sessions,” Josh said. 

“This type of content humanizes your brand and helps your audience connect with you on a more personal level.”

7. Challenges and Plans

Liz Thomson is a Health Coach and Food Blogger at I Heart Vegetables, and she told us that one successful media post idea is to share challenges and plans with clients. 

“… Create a simple challenge or plan that followers could join,” Liz suggested, “as a way to keep people accountable with their health and fitness goals.”

Build community with your fans by sharing, for example, “a 30 day meditation challenge or walking 10K steps a day.”

8. Motivational Quotes / Inspirational Messages

When it comes to social media post ideas for gyms and fitness pros, Josh Petrawski of the Sports & Fitness Exchange was full of tips to help businesses grow their social reach. 

One of his best ideas?

Share motivational quotes or inspirational messages.

“These posts can help create a positive and encouraging atmosphere on your social media platforms,” Josh said.

Oh and don’t forget to “Add visually appealing graphics or images to make the quotes stand out and resonate with your audience.”

9. Tips & Tutorials

“Share workout routines, proper exercise techniques, and short, simple tips that help position you as an expert in your field,” Liz Thomson of I Heart Vegetables also suggested.

“These could be a short video or simple graphic, which also helps create very shareable content.”

10. Q&A’s

This final social media post idea comes from Josh Petrawski of the Sports & Fitness Exchange

He suggested that gym owners and fitness pros “Engage with your audience by hosting Q&A sessions or live videos where you answer fitness-related questions in real-time.”

“Encourage your followers to submit their questions beforehand or during the live session,” Josh said.

“This interactive approach fosters a sense of community and allows you to directly connect with your audience, providing personalized advice and insights.”

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