Contactless payment makes the ease of pay-by-phone transactions and the magic of instant payment accessible to every business — all at one industry-low rate. 

Hi, I’m Jerry, CEO and founder of Schedulicity. 

I’ve always loved how spending an hour in a barber chair or on a yoga mat can change not only how you feel, but how you are. That’s why we built this company — to help you grow and do even more of what you love. Supporting you is at the core of everything we’ve built here at Schedulicity, and today, we’re taking that mission one step further.

It’s going to change how you pay and get paid for the better. 


Norm is the new, everyday way to accept payment for your services or classes. With Norm, clients can pay and tip you in seconds — straight from their phones. No more clunky devices. No more wallets, either. It’s so easy and so convenient, you’ll wonder what you ever did without it. 

Payment Simplified

It’s also going to save you money. Instead of those steep card-not-present fees, Norm gives you one, industry-low rate on every credit card transaction, plus next-day funding. 

Payment for All

We believe that accepting payment should be easy and affordable, full stop. Contactless payment brings that magic you get with Uber, Venmo, and Postmates to businesses of any size, anywhere. Whether you’re an independent contractor just starting out or a multi-location salon, contactless payment is going to work for you. Better yet, it’s going to work for your customers regardless of whether they’re tech-aversed or tech-savvy. 

Paying by phone should feel like second nature. Contactless payment is that and more. 

Ready for You. 

If you’re already a Schedulicity business, all you need to get started is to sign up for Schedulicity’s built-in payment processor. If you’re not, welcome. We can’t wait to get you started.

Payment by text for small businesses

Send the bill straight to your client’s phone with contactless payment. Ditch the card reader, speed through payment, and bump up tips. Available now on Schedulicity Unlimited.

Learn more about contactless payment

I can’t wait to hear what you think. 

Jerry Nettuno