As an online booking salon software made with hair and nail pros in mind, we know y’all have a lot going on!

On top of a busy schedule, you have phone calls, DMs, bills, and marketing to worry about, too. 

One thing that can help? The right salon software!

Built for busy nail and hair salons, salon scheduling apps like Schedulicity keep your appointments, clients, marketing, and payments all in one place. 

But, if you’re on the hunt for an app to help manage your salon, you have to know which features to look for — and which tools are your must-haves.

Hair and Nail Salon Booking Apps 101

What Is Salon Software?

Hair and nail salon software is essentially an upgrade from traditional salon appointment books. In other words: no more pen and paper calendars!

But why leave that trusty pen and paper behind for software?

A lot of times, running a salon can be a juggling act. With payment processing in one place, your appointments in another, and a tool for email marketing separate, too, it can be a tall order to keep everything synced up.

So, switching to a scheduling app can be a game changer for hair and nail salons alike. It saves time for both you and your clients and makes the scheduling process soo much easier for everyone.

What Features Do I Need As a Hair Stylist or Nail Tech?

When you’re shopping around for the best software for your salon, you have to ask yourself a big question: Which features do I need? And we’re here to help…

  • Client Notes: Each client you see is different — what they need and what they expect from their appointment. And since it’s darn near impossible to remember what every client needs, taking notes is crucial. By jotting down a note or two, you’ll improve the experience for them, so make sure the software you choose has the option to leave client notes on your clients’ profiles.
  • Various Calendar Views: If you’re a salon with multiple hair stylists or nail tech, it’s important to see everyone’s schedule at once. Or… if you’re a solo business, look for software that gives you customization on the calendar view page, such as a daily view, weekly view, or monthly view. 
  • Payment Processing: As a salon owner, you want to make the payment process as streamlined as you can.
    • Allow clients to pay when they book? Check. 
    • Keep tabs on owed balances? Check. 
    • Give clients the option to tip when they pay? Check. 
  • Professional Presentation: When it comes to picking salon software, you want an app that makes your business feel professional. So be sure to check out each app’s booking pages and marketplace to see how your booking page will be represented on their app. (Take a look at Schedulicity’s Marketplace where potential clients can find you!)
  • Email Marketing: Marketing tools and appointment scheduling in one place?! Yep, the best salon software out there will give you the tools you need to create beautiful emails to send out to your client list — all from the same account you manage your schedule. 

Does Salon Software Integrate with My Other Apps?

While your salon software should take care of the basics like appointment scheduling, marketing, and payment processing, there are other apps you may want to integrate your booking page with. And most scheduling apps give you that ability to integrate with other tools of the trade, such as Instagram or your existing business website

  • Instagram: If you’re a hair stylist or nail tech, Instagram is a fantastic tool to showcase your work. Since many clients will want to see your skills beforehand, they may come to your Instagram page before they book. By adding a Book Now button to your Instagram, clients can view your handiwork, then book with you right there! (Oh and Schedulicity gives businesses the ability to connect their Instagram account to their booking page, so clients can also view your portfolio right on your booking page, too!)
  • Website Integration: Got a business website already? No problem! With some salon software (hint hint, Schedulicity!), you can easily integrate your booking page right into your website, so clients never have to leave your website to book.

Is Salon Software Good for the Not-So-Tech-Savvy?

Not much of a techie? No problem! The best salon software is user friendly for both you and your clients. Field tested with real salon owners, salon software is made to be simple, efficient, and ultimately help your business thrive.

Pro tip: Before you sign up for a scheduling app, be sure to give it a test drive (so to speak). Take the time to request a demo and explore the app as much as you can.

Is Salon Software Free?

If you’re just starting your business, or you’re looking to switch scheduling apps, having a free option can be a real lifesaver.

But is salon software free? Yes and no.

Yes, a lot of scheduling apps have free versions with access to basic tools and some apps have free trials, giving new businesses a chance to test the waters before committing to a monthly subscription. 

Schedulicity offers a 14-day free trial that allows businesses book appointments, email clients, send and receive appointment notifications, and add Schedulicity to an existing website.

Beyond free trials and basic versions, salon software does have a monthly subscription cost.

Be sure to check out our handy breakdown of some of the best apps in the industry and their pricing to get an idea of what salon software costs.

What Is the Best Salon Scheduling Software?

Choosing the right salon software for your business isn’t easy. There are pros and cons to each one, so finding the app for you will take some time and research. 

Shop around and be sure to request demos, look at features, customer support, and don’t hesitate to reach out to chat with someone about their product.

(Schedulicity’s team of support Rockstars would love to connect and learn more about you and your business!)

As one of the leading salon scheduling apps in the industry, we’re certainly a little biased, but we also know a lot goes into finding the perfect scheduling app.