My favorite part about being a business owner is ultimate creativity and freedom.” —Sabrina, Shear Soul Salon

Business Name: Shear Soul

Location: Seminole, FL

About: Sabrina brings over a decade of beauty expertise to Shear Soul, and her passion for hair is unwavering.

She specializes in modern cut and color transformation, from vibrant hues to subtle blends, and offers tailored services for every client. 

Beyond hair, Sabrina’s dedication to her clients’ inner beauty shines through. 

Her priority is to create a safe salon space where clients can discover and enhance their unique self-expression. 

Favorite Schedulicity Feature: “Schedulicity offers optimal support and guidance. A Rockstar personally reached out and offered software training to fully understand the app and its features. Their customer service is great.”

How It Started

Almost 10 years into her beauty career, Sabrina realized she needed a change. 

Despite loving her work, she felt held back at the salon where she works. Their outdated software included the lack of a reliable booking app, which frustrated Sabrina. 

Disheartened by constant scheduling chaos and the inability to access her appointments from home, she took matters into her own hands.

Driven by professional necessity and a newfound sense of confidence, Sabrina struck out on her own. 

Tired of feeling undervalued and constrained by old business practices, she saw an opportunity to create something better.

She sought to create a space where she could fix (and prevent) the issues she’d faced and provide her clients with the service they truly deserved.

Nearly one in three professionals in a personal appearance occupation is self-employed, according to the Professional Beauty Association.

Chart showing one in three professionals in a personal appearance occupation is self employed

With determination and a drive for improvement, Sabrina embarked on her solo journey as an independent beauty professional.

Shear Soul studio space

“The ultimate reason why I decided to branch off on my own was because I gained the confidence to fix what was not being fixed at my previous salon.

  The biggest thing that affected my business was the booking system. With Schedulicity, online booking is a breeze.”

How Schedulicity Helped

As she ventured into the world of becoming an independent stylist, Sabrina immediately recognized the importance of finding a reliable scheduling software.

It was top priority to avoid the mistakes of the salon she left, so she turned to the beauty industry for suggestions on a booking app that would:

  • Help her manage her time better with intuitive features 
  • Minimize (or better yet – eliminate) scheduling conflicts 
  • Provide a full calendar that was easily accessible on-the-go

Sabrina first heard of Schedulicity from colleagues and podcasts – and signed up right away.

With Schedulicity, she immediately experienced newfound efficiency in her daily work routines. 

“My time is utilized more efficiently during the salon’s working hours,” she explains, attributing this efficiency to Schedulicity’s intuitive scheduling features.

Shear Sole's Schedulicity calendar

Schedulicity simplifies Sabrina’s scheduling process. Free client booking allows her clients to easily book appointments online, saving Sabrina time and ensuring organizational efficiency.

Sabrina can also tailor service times and manage double-bookings, according to her preferences. This gives her more control over her schedule.

She also loves that Schedulicity sends automated appointment text reminders and email confirmations to clients. 

In 2023, businesses that sent text reminders saw 20% lower no-show rates on average than those who didn’t send text reminders.

Sabrina said booking reminders help reduce no-shows and ensures a smooth client booking experience.

Example text and email appointment confirmations from Shear Sole

Sabrina also gave sound financial advice: “When venturing into entrepreneurship, find an accounting management service that can help manage and strategize your finances,” suggests Sabrina. 

“An easy-to-use booking software, like Schedulicity, will help you keep track and scale your beauty business when it comes to tax time.”

Many beauty professionals rely on Schedulicity to help with bookkeeping using the Sales Summary Report, New Client Bookings Report, and various payment processing reports. 

“My favorite part about being a business owner is ultimate creativity and freedom,” Sabrina said.

“I make the calls, and I’m aware of everything going on in my business. I don’t have to go through someone when I have creative ideas or want to make decisions. I just do it!”

Advice for Other Beauty Solopreneurs 

“For the fresh newbies out there, do you and your clients a favor: Don’t sign a non-compete with a salon,” Sabrina advised. 

“There’s nothing worse than working hard for clientele and not being able to keep them. It’s a red flag if a salon is territorial about clients.

There’s plenty of clients to go around, and it shows support in the industry if they allow you to successfully do what is best for you and your business. 

May the beauty industry rise together.”

Looking to grow your beauty business? 

With top-tier booking, client management, marketing, and payment tools, Schedulicity can help you take your business to the next level! 

Sign up for a free trial today — or learn more about Schedulicity.