Hunter Donia x Schedulicity
Hunter Donia smiling

Maximizing Online Booking

In this free 15-minute class, learn from stylist and educator Hunter Donia about:

  • How to trust your clients to book their own appointments and how to get them on board
  • Why the online booking experience is different for new clients vs recurring clients — and how you can make it easier for both
  • Using automatic text message reminders for rebooking and appointment confirmations
  • How to use client-facing language in service descriptions

About Hunter Donia

As one of the youngest salon educators in the industry, Hunter is passionate about merging real-life business practices with technology.

His speciality?

Automating and systemizing how your beauty business runs to save hours in administrative tasks and prevent burnout.

  • Here's the TEA... A streamlined and organized business is well within your reach. You can absolutely work smarter not harder with the right systems in place.

  • Hunter Donia smiling

  • Automation is a way for you to save time doing mundane tasks such as; answering DM's, booking clients and answering the same questions over and over.

About Schedulicity

Hey there! We’re Schedulicity, an online booking app for the hair and beauty industry.

example of calendar management with the weekly calendar view