Institute for Chiropractic Care 1> - Chiropractors
in Chicago, IL
Description: 32 years in Practice: Chiropractic Physician, Acupuncture, Functional Medicine, Nutritional Counseling, Manipulation Under Anesthesia MUA, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation, Allergy Elimination Technique "Wellness + Performance" or are you in Pain? We're here
Additional Info: Super convenient we're just across from L train Washington/Wells CTA Orange, Purple, Pink and Brown lines & Washington/LaSalle BUS CTA J14, 20,56,60,124,157, Self Parking www.SELF-PARK Washington Madison Wells & street Parking on Wells. And Bikes lanes!
Phone: 3122852233
180 West Washington
Suite # 920
Chicago IL 60602
Business Hours: Monday through Friday 8 AM to 7 PM
Saturday 8 AM to 1 PM
If your time is NOT AVAILABLE to book online, simply call us directly 312/285-2233.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
27 Years in Practice
Chiropractic Room 2
ROOM 2: You must call 312-285-2233 to schedule your appointment for this option.