Premium Pitching KC LLC Waldo 1> - Sports & Recreation
in Kansas City, MO
Description: Training today's youth proper throwing/pitching, through kinetic and biomechanic research. 11 years professional experience.
Private pitching instruction for all ages. $65.00 per 30 min. session
$75.00 per 30 min. session with Rapsodo (Belton Location)
Additional Info: Premium Pitching KC @ TeamWork Sports Located at 310 w 80th Street Kansas City,MO 64114.
Premium Pitching KC @ Velocity Academy Located at 16514 Cornerstone Drive Belton, MO 64012
Phone: 8165824036
310 W 80th Street
Kansas City MO 64114
Business Hours: Tues. 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Thurs. 4:00pm to 8:00pm
Sat. 10: 00am-4:00pm
Sun off
Payment Types Accepted: Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: Mark Nussbeck
11 year professional career with the St. Louis Cardinals and The Baltimore Orioles.
AAA All Star in 2000
Teaching pitching since 1997