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Great deal at WOWD Center for Wellness
Special Promotion:
Sometimes circumstances and distance simply do not allow us to gather the way we might like. Thank goodness we still have a way to connect solidly--virtually! This year of 2020 has been tough for many in different ways. Yet, women are still birthing and still need to supported, nurtured, nourished and empowered. This is an opportunity for women who are closest to the birthing woman to do these for the birthing woman through rituals that speak life, hope and power for the remainder of her pregnancy, birth, postpartum journey and beyond. Components may include, but are not limited to, candle ritual, maternal lineage ritual, fruit ritual, and/or virtual cocooning. Ideally, this should be booked 3-4 weeks prior to the event. In the case where this is not feasible, the client will be responsible for expedited shipping. The event day must be agreed upon by WOWD and the client.
09/03 - 12/01
25% off