Specializing in full body restoration. Orthopedic Acupuncture to relieve Neck, Knee, and Spine correction. Also treating Anxiety, Allergies, Sinus issues, Fertility, and Cosmetic. Guiding all to their highest potential physically and mentally. Optimal well being is approached gently with healthy intentions for complete resolutions.
Talented in Pain Relief and structure restoration, Female health, fertility, and Facial rejuvenation
Specializing in Spinal and Joint re-alignment. Utilizing years of clinical skill, also holds a specialty in pediactric care. Prior to Chiropractic, Dr Elizabeth Carpenter was a Cardiology nurse. Currently, we have added Chiro-Thin, a successful results driven weight-loss program, integrated and guided to The New You in 6 weeks.
Stays focused on your areas of concern, using stretching movements to rebalance and technique to re-structurize to feel your best. Request CBD Massage for an added fee.
This amazing Photo Bio Modulation technology with over 10,000 diode wattage is in a field of its own. We call it The Magic Bed here at The Total Health Center. Patients experiences include improved energy, increase healing and collagen production, fat loss , reduced pain and inflammation, lower insulin needs, tighter skin, reduced psoriasis, tremors, and clearer brain function. A must to experience! A true Gift of Health...On the road to Amazing! Offering an introductory experience. For $50 Enjoy feeling great!