Therapeutic Massage Center on Prentice, LLC 1> - Massage
in Granite Falls, MN
Description: Committed to our client's health, wellness, & sense of well-being.
Additional Info: Our services includes Massage Therapy, Body Wraps, Ear Candling, & Tanning. Many Young Living Oils Available for Retail.
Phone: 3205641205
653 Prentice Street
Granite Falls MN 56241
Business Hours: Flexible Hours to meet your busy lifestyle!
10 AM - 5:00 PM Monday
9 AM - 5 PM Tuesday & Friday
9 AM - 7 PM Wednesday & Thursday
Saturdays & other evenings by appointment.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard
Staff: Room 1 Soltron XL
Room 2 Silver Bullet SE
Room 3 Heartland Ovation 5400
Room 4 Sundash 332 Pro 1 w/Facial Tanner
Room 5 Ergoline Passion 40/3
The strength of this model is evident in its 40 Turbo/Super Power UV lamps, three 400-watt glass reflector high-pressure units and two additional UV-B spaghetti lamps in the facial area.
Room 6 Sundome Tanning Booth
For a fast darker tan without burning try our stand up booth. The vertical tanning booth is shaped to place you at the center of tanning intensity, so you are evenly showered with bronzing, all-over tanning power.
Nancy Fiegen, Owner/Certified Massage Therapist
I started my career in 2010. I specialize in deep tissue massage, but customize each individual's massage to meet their specific needs. I use a blend of relaxation and deep pressure to leave you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed! Hope to see you soon!
Ergoline @ 4375 Hwy 67
Ergoline tanning bed at 4375 Highway 67. Available most evenings and weekends. Packages are usable at either location.