The Highland Backrub 

- Massage 

in St. Paul, MN

Description: Fully-clothed (no oils) therapeutic bodywork since 1995: We offer Shiatsu, Deep Tissue Massage, Swedish Massage, MyoFascial Release/CST, Japanese Head Massage and Reiki. Our team has been practicing for decades. Same day appointments usually available.
Additional Info: WE EMPLOY IONIZING AIR PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY 24/7 to kill viruses and bacteria. Mask exemptions are honored w/o exception. We're located on Cleveland Avenue, just next to the Mann Highland Theatre. Handicap drop-off right in front! Free parking abounds.
Logo: The Highland Backrub
Phone: 6516984567
Address: 762 Cleveland Avenue S.

St. Paul MN 55116
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Business Hours: Open 7 days a week. Hours vary depending on therapist availability.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover
Special Offers

Nathan Daniels
Nathan Daniels

On the schedule Mondays and Tuesdays 3-8pm, Wednesdays 1-8pm, and Fridays 3:15-5:45pm. I’ve been practicing Shiatsu since 2012 after attending CenterPoint Shiatsu Therapy program. I practice Shiatsu Anma, Namikoshi Shiatsu, Lymph Drainage Massage and Reflexology. I enjoy working with special populations. I have additional training in The Hold Relax Technique of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching, Acupressure based Myofascial Trigger Point Release and Pregnancy Shiatsu. Nathan DOES NOT perform DEEP TISSUE. If you want firm pressure please read therapists bios and book a DEEP TISSUE service. If booking a therapeutic massage with Nathan please be advised it will be based on Nathan's training in shiatsu, and will address your issues using a whole-body approach.

Derrick Lundberg
Derrick Lundberg

On the schedule Wednesdays 1pm - 4:45pm and Thursdays 10am - 2:45pm Derrick is our local expert in John Barnes' Myofascial Release Therapy, with a master's degree in Acupuncture and Oriental medicine. He also has extensive experience utilizing John Pierre Barral's Visceral and Neural Manipulation. Bringing together these worlds, Derrick has seen not only his way to helping many others over the last 10 years, but also his own healing journey-- which has strongly influenced his practice. Weaving in attachment theory, and the human developmental perspective of Gabor Mate, to the five elements model; combined with the hands-on manual therapies, we are able to unlock the memories held within the body and facilitate true healing. In this safe space, we may reflect on the traumas we carry, and how they influence our daily lives. The result has allowed for an extremely potent reflection on our own belief systems for deep and profound results that last.

Bob Vigliotti
Bob Vigliotti

On the schedule Tuesdays 11-2:45 and Thursdays 3-8. I am Nationally certified (NCBTMB) in Relaxation and Deep Tissue Massage, Reflexology, and Acupressure, any of which may be incorporated in a typical session. Light or deep pressure may be used including stretching at points of imbalance or pain. I first studied Shiatsu and Moxibustion in the early ‘70s in Boston and Reflexology in the early 90’s when it was called “Zone Therapy”. There weren’t many books or courses available in Shiatsu back then. I studied privately from a Japanese teacher newly arrived in the U.S. That was the only way to learn at that time. Although I’m not interested in doing Shiatsu, I am interested in the other modalities: Relaxation Massage, Deep Tissue Massage & Reflexology. I studied nursing up to doing the clinicals, but determined it was not my bag. I decided on Massage Therapy, with a degree in Therapeutic Sports Massage. I am certified in Reflexology (NCBTMB). I currently teach Reflexology among other massage courses at St. Paul College. Massage decreases stress, increases energy and balances hormonal levels in the body. Relieving stress is one of our greatest challenges. Regular massages, while addressing painful areas, can be a perfect antidote for what we all strive for; better health and balance in our lives.

Katie Streitz
Katie Streitz

On the schedule Tuesdays & Thursdays 3-8pm The Global Somatics process works with all systems of the physical body (bones, muscles, fascia, organs, nerves etc.), the chakras and energy field. We gently connect with and clear traumas, stagnant emotion or blockages; so your energy can flow freely. As a global somatics practitioner I work in a conscious relationship with you and with any area of the body/chakras/energy field that are addressed. Each system (bones, muscles, nerves etc.) has its own unique consciousness and patterns. It is always your energy leading the session. The main premise is for you to feel safe, happy and free in your body. In a session, you can expect hands-on physical touch, energy work and verbal dialogue. It’s important to me that you always feel safe, comfortable and know what we are doing. I tend to give a lot of verbal narration of what patterns I see shifting; and I work with a lot of joy! The more safe you feel in your body the more you come to life as the TRUE you! My clients experience all sorts of amazing results including: greater happiness, harmony in their relationship, inner peace through their inner child, past life healing, soul parts retrieval, restoration of innocence, physical pain relief, emotional pain release and greater prosperity. I love to help people unwind from the inside! Through a number of healing modalities including Cranio-Sacral bodywork, Reiki energy medicine, the Global Somatics process, Vibrational energy medicine and my own inner child/Soul healing style that I’ve crafted over the years since I started my practice as a healer in 2014. I am certified as a practitioner of the Global Somatics Process through 2 in-depth years of study with Suzanne Green River. I also have had an online healing and coaching business since 2018.

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen

On the schedule Wednesday and Friday 5-8pm, Saturdays 9-11:30am and Sundays 10am-5pm I specialize in Japanese massage, reflexology, relaxation and deep tissue massage with experience as a massage therapist in day spas and private practices since 2018. I love pampering myself with a wide variety of massages as I can clearly feel my energy flowing strong for a new energetic self. My love for giving massage starts from the love of helping people to attain that feeling. Let me be your guide to an invigorating life with less stress, increased immune function, boosted mental health and wellness and decreased physical pain.

Jalia Yaj
Jalia Yaj

On the schedule Mondays 10am-4:45pm, Wednesdays 10am-12:45pm, Fridays 10am-3pm, Saturdays 10am-1:30pm, and Sundays 10am-2pm. Jalia specializes in Thai massage both mat and table, Facial and Head work, Kid's Massage, Deep Tissue, and Prenatal massage and has 5+ years of experience performing massage professionally. Jalia was born and raised in Thailand. At a young age, her grandmother and mother taught her the importance of massage, which is an essential practice in our culture. Jalia began practicing massage from a young age and it remains a beneficial aspects of her life to this day. There are endless benefits from massage including relieving body aches, anxiety, stresses, sore muscle/tension, inflammation and headaches. Massage can help improve energy flow, reduce anxiety, stress and depression, and increase joint mobility and flexibility helping you feel rejuvenated and relaxed. Don’t wait any longer, book with Jalia. She cannot wait to meet you and help you incorporate the benefits of massage in your daily life.

Jennifer Lewis
Jennifer Lewis

On the schedule every other Fridays 9:30am - 4:30pm and Saturdays 1:15 - 6pm. I specialize in Spontaneous Muscle Release Technique (SMRT), therapeutic massage, and CranioSacral Therapy. I prefer to work on specific areas; I am not great at full body massages. I enjoy helping people who are suffering from pain in specific areas. My strategy may involve working other areas related to your area of concern. I have found that some bodies require deep work to release while others prefer a lighter touch. I may use deep pressure at times though I tend to use lighter pressure as I find it more effective in releasing tissue that is stuck. I attended CenterPoint School of Massage and Shiatsu after living with 20 years of chronic head, neck, and upper back pain. Massage has helped my body and it gives me joy to help other's bodies experience the benefits of massage. I have two sons, cats, dogs, chickens, cows, and a couple of degrees. I enjoy hanging out with my sons, walking the dogs, and honing my massage skills on my family members and pets. I would love to meet you and learn your body's story.


BioMat is a US FDA 510K Approved Medical Device for pain, and is available FREE here at The Highland Backrub. The healing benefits of the BioMat’s far infrared rays and negative ion therapy are far ranging and applications include: Relaxation of muscles Increase of local circulation where applied You may experience temporary relief of: Minor muscle pain Minor joint pain and stiffness Joint pain associated with arthritis Muscle spasms Minor sprains Minor strains Other benefits some practitioners have found include: Reduces stress and fatigue Soothes and relaxes Supports the immune system Improved sleep Reduced inflammation Increased tissue oxygen Promotes relaxation by application of heat Because the BioMat promotes a feeling of physical relaxation and offers immediate improvements to certain kinds of pain and discomfort, you’ll find that your patients respond very positively to the treatment experience.

Ayako Nakandakari
Ayako Nakandakari

Ayako is off the schedule until further notice. I graduated from Center Point Massage & Shiatsu Therapy School & Clinic’s East (Shiatsu) Program, which included Reflexology, in 2015. My training is in Shiatsu, and I have advanced training in Reiki. While I was in Japan in 2017, I also acquired Japanese Head Massage techniques, which I incorporate into sessions where this technique can benefit the client. I am very conscious about my touch to help relax every client that I work on while also addressing his/her main complaints.