Sonya Rae's Massage Therapy 1> - Massage
in Duluth, MN
Description: I graduated from Minneapolis School of Massage & Bodywork in Dec. 1999 with 527 hours. I am certified in Therapeutic/relax., Sports/Deep tissue, Connective Tissue, cervical pain/myofascial release, pre/postnatal & Chair massage.
Practicing since 1-2000
Additional Info: Located in the upper floor, Suite 202, of the Village Mall Office near Posh & Technique Salons:
-Corner of Mountain Shadow Drive & Burning Tree Road
*Across from Planet Fitness!
4815 Burning Tree Rd, Suite 202, Duluth, MN
Phone: 2183105708
The Village Mall Office: 4815 Burning Tree Road, Suite #202, Duluth, MN 55811
My office space is located in the 2 story, brick building directly behind my old office space, across from the Planet Fitness.
Duluth MN 55811
Business Hours: Open: Mon.-Fri: 9am-2:30pm,
Various evenings & weekends available.
Please call/text: 218-310-5708
E Gift cards:
Skin care:
Order on Rodan & Fields-click my name at checkout: "Sonya Young-Hermantown).
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: Sonya Rae's Massage Therapy, Independent Contractor
Please text or call 218-310-5708 if you need an evening or weekend appointment.
My location:
4815 Burning Tree Rd. Suite 202 Duluth
Across from Country Lanes Bowling, intersection of Mountain Shadow drive.
I have been A Certified Massage Therapist since January of 2000. Licensed in Duluth since 2009. I graduated from Minneapolis School of Massage & Bodywork December 1999. Trained in Deep Tissue, Sports massage, Relaxation, Pre & Postnatal, Connective tissue & Cervical pain MFR.
GIFT CARDS available here!:
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