LaCreations Hair Studio 1> - Hair Stylists
in Garner, NC
Description: We are specialized in all of your healthy hair care services. Helping you maintain your hair providing you with proper at home maintenance. Come see us today for all of your hair care needs & become DIVAFIED!! HAVE A HAIRTABULOUS DAY!!
Additional Info:
Phone: 9843281407
1411 Aversboro Rd #305
Aversboro Square
Garner NC 27529
Business Hours: Wed - Fri 430pm -9pm
Saturdays 9am-5pm
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Visa, MasterCard
Staff: La'Shaviea 'Danielle"
As a native of Baltimore, MD., my passion is reflected in many ways while my style sets the tone & vision for the salon, my clients and the importance of haircare service define it.