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Great deal at Sore No More Massage & Spa
Special Promotion:
At its core, gift economy is a shift from consumption to contribution, transaction to trust, scarcity to abundance and isolation to community. In the gift economy we give with no strings attached with an implicit trust in the universe- that we will be supported by those that we serve and those that have received something of value. Giving is an integral part of the healing journey and generosity have been linked to overall increase in health and happiness. We recognize that so, although we don't expect anything directly, we encourage you to allow the energy of gratitude to move through you. Have you ever wished you could pay what you thought the service was worth and what you can afford? That is the whole concept behind a gift economy. You give what you feel the service you received was worth! You may also barter or give gifts in exchange for a service. There are only a few reserved spots a week for these services.
08/01 - 07/31
$0.0000 off