Smyrna Coin 1> in Murfreesboro, TN
Description: We are a family owned business located in Murfreesboro, TN
with over 25 years experience, we are well qualified to assist you in the appraisal & sale of your coins
as well as specializing in the sale of precious metals ( gold & silver) NO TN SALES TAX!
Additional Info: Tennessee Governor William Lee signed into law House Bill 1874, removing sales taxes on gold, silver and platinum bullion coins.
Phone: 6153556400
1410 Kensington Square Court Suite #102
Murfreesboro TN 37130
Business Hours: Monday - Friday 8am-4pm
Staff: SCS Specialist
Owner & CEO Guy Zona founded Smyrna Coin in 1998
25+ years experience
Coin Specialist Matt Zona
10+ years experience