Middleton Aesthetics 1> - Estheticians
in Omaha, NE
Description: Middleton Aesthetics is a skin spa for all your facial needs. You can view descriptions of services offered as well as contact information at
Additional Info: Middleton Aesthetics is now serving clients at 123rd and West Center Road in Omaha, Nebraska.
Phone: 4022508314
12305 Gold Street, Suit 12
Omaha NE 68144
Business Hours: Tuesday through Saturday by appointment only
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: Sarah Middleton LE
Please email Middletonspa@gmail.com for your future appointments.
(Current AND *New Clients with a Gift certificate)
***Online scheduling is no longer available, so make sure to email middletonspa@gmail.com for your next appointment time! Thanks!
(Sarah Middleton is the owner and Licensed Esthetician of Middleton Aesthetics. She graduated from Capitol School of Esthetics in 2007. With over 17+ years of experience, her true passion of helping others have the best in skin treatments and skin care)