Salon 210 1> - Beauty Consultant
in Kalispell, MT
Description: Making Hair Beautiful is my Passion.
At Salon 210 reaching your hair goals while keeping your hair healthy is important.
Highlights and color are my specialty.
Additional Info: Parking in front of the build is available. It's posted 45 minutes - doesn't apply to salon 210 guests. Street parking is 2 hrs so make sure to let me know so we can move your car if needed
Phone: 4066070286
37 5th St east
Suite 210
Kalispell MT 59901
Business Hours: Tuesday -Friday 8:30- 3
Evenings by request
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: Katie Dunbar
I have been in the industry for 20 plus year and I am an color educator for Farouk Systems.
I studied at Gene Juaraz Academy of Beauty in Seattle, Washington.
Where I learned how to do all hair types and discovered my love for color.
Every appointment is spent discussing your hair needs and color formulas are specially formulated just for you with my Ammonia free color line.