My enthusiasm for massage therapy was sparked many years ago when I experienced a bodywork session that completely altered my understanding of what was possible from touch therapy. I felt deeply connected with myself and walked away intrigued and inspired. This feeling was like a glowing ember I kept safe in my heart. I became inspired once more by the start of a new life with the birth of my daughter. I returned home to Maine to begin my training at the Downeast School of Massage. I graduated and received my license in July 2018. Since then I have studied CranioSacral Therapy at the Upledger Institute, Deep Massage with David Lauterstein, and have been certified as a Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist with Klose Trainings. I have also achieved certification in acupressure after extensive study with Ching Liu of Golden Needle Wellness. I practice intuitive and evidence-based dimensional therapeutic massage and I am passionate about education and positive communication with my clients. I put a strong focus on physical and emotional safety within the potentially vulnerable space of the massage therapy office, especially in my work with children, for whom I take extra care to help them find safe space within their bodies, and the right words to advocate for their own needs during the session. I was born hard of hearing and in my late 20s began to lose whole frequencies in my hearing. I have identified as deaf since my mid 30’s. I am still well able to carry on a conversation in person with the help of hearing aids and my skill in speech reading. I believe this loss has triggered an expansion in my other senses, including increased focus and perception in my ability to see and feel. Over the years, I have been honored to help a wide range of clients including pregnant mothers, children, elders, and everyone in between, finding especially positive results with those suffering from chronic pain. I am very much looking forward to working with you!