Positive Pressure Massage & Lucid Light 1> - Massage
in Austin, TX
Description: Intuitive, multi-modality massage, Lucid Light sessions & far-infrared sauna inspire self-exploration, rejuvenation and relaxation.
Additional Info: WE HAVE MOVED! We are now located at 2709 S. Lamar Blvd. in Austin, TX 78704.
Phone: 5123185899
2709 S. Lamar Blvd
Austin TX 78704
Business Hours: Healing & Insight Studio Hours
Monday through Sunday 9 am to 8 pm (by appointment only)
Additional times: call to inquire
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: Erik Kuykendall
Erik is an intuitive bodyworker with over 20 years of experience. His work contains elements of deep myofascial work, shiatsu, stretching, and numerous styles of massage and energy work leading to greater physical and mental comfort.
He tailors his work to each client whether they are an athlete, parent, business person, or circus performer.