MassageWorks 1> - Massage
in Knoxville, TN
Description: Providing pain and stress relief since 1994. Setting achievable goals then incorporating bodywork to balance the Autonomic Nervous System, the Meridian energy system, and structure.
Additional Info: Total Body Balance incorporating Touch for Health Kinesiology, Craniosacral and Cranial/Structural Therapies, Osteopathic Manual Therapies, acupressure, auriculotherapy, and other manual therapies.
Plenty of free parking. Map on website.
Phone: 8656943144
The Courtyard Building
318 Erin Dr., #8
Knoxville TN 37919
Business Hours: Tuesday thru Thursday by appointment. PayPal online or cash, check or credit card at the office.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: Charles West, LMT
Total Body Balance: pain and stress relief since 1994. Total Body Balance, Craniosacral and Cranial/Structural Therapies, Touch for Health Kinesiology, acupressure, auriculotherapy, osteopathic & other manual therapies, and other modalities to relieve pain and stress. Wear or bring sweats or comparable clothing for session. Face mask optional - if you want to wear a face mask, I will.