Michele Cochrane Massage Therapy 1> - Massage
in Raleigh, NC
Description: 25 years licensed & experienced in North Carolina, Colorado, Europe, Japan and throughout the United States. Each session is tailored to alleviate pain, increase range of motion, loosen stiff muscles, encourage relaxation, and decrease anxiety.
Additional Info: Located at the corner of W. Lane St. & St. Mary's St. Pull into the driveway off St. Mary's where you will see my studio with French doors. It's prime parking, just for you. Please pull as close as possible to the studio. Street parking available also.
Phone: 9192190788
627 W. Lane St.
Raleigh NC 27603
Business Hours: By appointment only.
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: Michele Cochrane, LMBT
Michele incorporates a variety of modalities and technique. Each session is tailored to alleviate pain, increase range of motion, loosen stiff muscles, and encourage relaxation.