LeJuanya (Elle) 

- Hair Stylists 

in Bedford Hts, OH

Description: Please call me for the new link ..Thank you!!!
Additional Info: Please call me for the new link ..Thank you!!
Logo: LeJuanya (Elle)
Phone: 2164140890
Address: 5311 Northfield rd
Bedford Hts OH 44146
Show Map
Business Hours: Business hours are based on your appointment. PLEASE CHECK YOUR TEXT OR EMAIL FOR YOUR APPONIMENT TIME & DATE!!!!! Please come at your schedule time! Do not arrive early to your appointment! Because there is not a waiting area!!
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Special Offers

LeJuanya “Elle”
LeJuanya “Elle”

Peace & Blessing to everyone! I AM a Certified Loctician, My focus is to promote & educate on healthy hair, and guide you through your Loc Journey!!! I Specialize in all phases of loc’s Such as: loc extension, Wicks, Micro locs, loc repair and much more…