The Normal section is just my normal business hours. For those who don't know I am a full-time stay at home dad that works a second full-time job as a personal care aid. So this schedule is based around that. That means these spots are extremely limited! THERE WILL ONLY BE ABOUT 15-20 SPOTS AVAILABLE TO BOOK HERE PER WEEK! *After those spots are gone you will have to join the waitlist for cancellations, or go to the VIP section to book a VIP service.* PRICES ARE NON NEGOTIABLE
V.I.P. Services offered: ·On my days off ·Before/after my normal business hours This section was created for those who: -Have an emergency. -Want to get "squeezed in". -Like making last minute appointments. -Hate the hustle and bustle of trying to find a normal appointment time. -Find yourself saying "I don't care how much I have to pay, I just want a Josh haircut." *This section is purely extracurricular. I like to consider this my overtime because if I'm putting in extra time at work away from my family I need to be compensated as such. My time is valuable and my prices are non-negotiable!*