My name is Jaclyn Prado. Born and raised in Denver, Colorado. I have always wanted to be helpful in some form another. Health and wellness has been in the forefront for me. Started as an Esthetician 10 years prior to starting a family with my husband and gained two beautiful boys and reevaluate what and how I wanted to show up in this world. Reiki showed up for me, tried a class with my sister, it all started to make sense for me. I am now a certified as an Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki II practitioner and continuing to grow my knowledge of the practice. I fell in love with reiki and how it can help the mind, body and spiritual self. Knowing a little more about your life and how you can improve the balance in our lives today, I say "Why, not?" Your healing journey is very personal for each and every person and you start wherever for feel safe. I hope to bring that to this practice and spread the love all around to those that are ready to explore that side of them.