Faded Dreamz 

- Barbers 

in Killeen, TX

Description: Faded Dreamz Barbershop Please check description of the service you pick before you book it, the service you book is what will be provided. More services will be added.
Additional Info:
Logo: Faded Dreamz
Phone: 2542133964
Address: 4200 W. Stan Schlueter loop Ste. 106

Killeen TX 76549
Show Map
Business Hours: Tuesday - Friday 930am - 6pm Saturday - 9am - 530pm Sunday, Monday - 10am - 2pm walk in only (call to check availability)
Payment Types Accepted: Cash
Special Offers


254-213-3964 Tuesday - Friday 9am-6pm Sat - 9am-5 Sunday - Monday - call to check availability Will be out of town Dec 13-16