Dr. Dennis Pick 1> - Healthcare
in Westlake Village, CA
Description: Specializing in locating and correcting the underlying central reason illness and discomfort take root in the first place: Improper signaling (neurological breakdown)from the control centers (brain) to the affected area.
Additional Info: A revolutionary healthcare system not only queries the brain itself where the breakdowns exist, but allows the brain to make the update and hence restore the neurological signals between body, mind & brain, then and only then can health be restored.
Phone: 8187079277
1240 S. Westlake Blvd
Suite 125
Westlake Village CA 91361
Business Hours: Tuesday 9:00a.m - 6:00p.m
Saturday 9:00a.m - 6:00p.m
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Amex
Staff: Dennis Pick, DC, DBCS, FBCAI
Bio Craniopathy: Principal Instructor/President Emeritus
Neurological Integration System: Master
Cox Technique: Certified
SOT Technique: Instructor
B.E.S.T. Technique: Elite Master
Bio-Kinetics Technique: Instructor/Dir. of Education Emeritus
Transcendental Meditation Technique: Certified Instructor