Building Division | City of Bozeman 1> - Government
in Bozeman, MT
Description: The Bozeman Building Division provides the community with a source of knowledge and expertise in the review of building plans and the inspection of building projects to safeguard health, safety, property and public welfare.
Additional Info: Meet with a Bozeman Plans Examiner to discuss general building code, and permitting questions.
If you have Development Review questions and would like to discuss with a Bozeman Planner, reach out to:
Phone: 4065822375
20 E Olive St
2nd Floor Lobby
Bozeman MT 59715
Business Hours: We offer Commercial and Residential appointments on M-F from 2-3 PM
Staff: David Mulick (Residential/Commercial)
Residential/Commercial Plans Examiner
Cal Doerksen (Commercial)
Commercial Plans Examiner
Kevin Bailey (Residential/Commercial)
Residential/Commercial Plans Examiner