Celina Lyons R.Ac., L.Ac. Acupuncture and Medical Arts 

- Acupuncture 

in Victoria, BC

Description: Celina Lyons M.Sc., R.Ac., L.Ac., practices Acupuncture, and Chinese Medicine. She is a general practitioner with a special focus in women's health, fertility, pregnancy and pediatrics. She is also an educator and a Professor of Pediatric Medicine.
Additional Info: This is a home practice. You can park on the street anywhere near #1536 Pembroke st. and come right on in the front door..my name is on the door.
Logo: Celina Lyons R.Ac., L.Ac. Acupuncture and Medical Arts
Phone: 2508966332
Address: 1536 Pembroke st.

Victoria BC v8r1v9
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Business Hours: Monday 9:30 a.m.-4:30p.m. Wednesday 12:30p.m.-7:30p.m. Friday 9:00-4:30
Website: http://www.celinalyons.com
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check
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Celina Lyons
Celina Lyons

Celina Lyons has been working in the field of Holistic Medicine for over 20 years. She has a Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine from The American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. A registrant with the CTCMA, and a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine with the NCCAOM. Celina is a general practitioner with a special focus on fertility, pregnancy, paediatric care and the treatment of women’s health and pain. She brings to her work compassion and deep personal care for her patients.