Blue Lotus Tarot Readings 1> - Psychic/Hypnosis/Spirituality
in Ypsilanti MI, MI
Description: Readings are done with compassion and care. The blue lotus connects the querent with the collective unconscious to translate messages. The cards are not simply read according to their meaning memorized from a book.
Additional Info: Check the location before signing up. The reverend Laufeyjarsen attends many fairs and might be reading out of town.
Phone: 7346126919
2371 lakeshore blvd
Ypsilanti MI MI 48198
Business Hours: Sundays, 1-7 at This That and Odder things.
Check for other appearances at fairs etc
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover
Staff: Leif Larsen
The reverend Lief Laufeyjarsen Is a tarot reader with a background in healing, anthropology, comparative religion, and folklore. He celebrates the pagan holidays. He is inclusive of all people and welcomes all people regardless of background. He is a firm believer in radical acceptance.
Leif is well-versed in folklore, mythology, symbolism, and art. He relies on these resources for interpreting the cards rather than on other methods that became associated with the tarot during the 20th century. Above all, intuition is the key to understanding a spread and it is the keystone to Leif’s work.