I have been a stylist for 18+ years and love what I do, I am the proud owner of Brazen Beauty Bar. I strive to educate myself and keep up with as many of the new trends as I possibly can, while still being able to provide the tried and true methods I learned at the beginning of my career. We welcome everyone with open arms. At Brazen we want to give you the best service possible, while providing a comfortable and fun atmosphere in any chair you may sit in. If you have questions please reach out to us so we can be of any assistance you may need 💕
I have been a stylist since 2008 and still love my job, I enjoy working with my clients to find the best styles for them. I really enjoy working on continued eduction, there are always new trends and techniques to learn. I am thankful for all of my wonderful clients and enjoy working with this awesome group of girls we have at Brazen 🖤