Acupuncture Associates 1> - Acupuncture
in Wilmington, NC
Description: Best Acupuncturist in Wilmington, NC. Specializing in women's health, headaches, pain management, depression, tennis elbow, neck and shoulder pain, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, hypertension, infertility, stress reduction, arthritis, and much more.
Additional Info: Your health, well-being, happiness, and satisfaction are our top priorities. Acupuncture can alleviate a wide variety of illnesses and health problems. Chinese medicine does not replace Western medicine but enhances, balances and compliments it.
Phone: 9107988181
4427 Junction Park Drive
Wilmington NC 28412
Business Hours: Monday - Thursday 9am until 4pm - By Appointment
Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard
Staff: FIRST Visit (new patients - call for additional times)
Should you be a new patient and wish to schedule your first appointment on a different day, please contact our office at 910.798.8181 and we'll be happy to check availability.